Syllogisms are a crucial part of logical reasoning in competitive exams. Let’s tackle the three types of syllogism questions with solved examples. Each example includes step-by-step solutions, diagrams where applicable, and tips and tricks.
Type 1: Based on Statements and Conclusions
Example 1
All apples are fruits.
Some fruits are sweet.
Some apples are sweet.
All fruits are apples.
Step 1: Analyze the Statements
"All apples are fruits" implies every apple belongs to the fruit category.
"Some fruits are sweet" implies a part of the fruit category overlaps with the sweet category.
Step 2: Venn Diagram
We represent the categories using three circles.
Element | Representation |
Apples | A (completely inside Fruits) |
Fruits | F (some overlap with Sweet) |
Sweet | S (partially overlaps with Fruits) |
Step 3: Test Conclusions
Some apples are sweet:
The diagram does not show any direct overlap between Apples (A) and Sweet (S).
Conclusion: False.
All fruits are apples:
The statement "All apples are fruits" does not imply the reverse (All fruits are apples).
Conclusion: False.
Answer: Both conclusions are false.
Example 2
No cat is a dog.
All dogs are animals.
No cat is an animal.
Some animals are cats.
Step 1: Analyze the Statements
"No cat is a dog" means Cats and Dogs have no overlap.
"All dogs are animals" means Dogs are a subset of Animals.
Step 2: Venn Diagram
Element | Representation |
Cats | C (no overlap with Dogs) |
Dogs | D (inside Animals) |
Animals | A (includes Dogs) |
Step 3: Test Conclusions
No cat is an animal:
The diagram shows Cats (C) and Animals (A) have no definitive overlap or exclusion.
Conclusion: False.
Some animals are cats:
There is no overlap shown between Cats and Animals.
Conclusion: False.
Answer: Both conclusions are false.
Example 3
All pencils are pens.
Some pens are erasers.
Some pencils are erasers.
All pens are pencils.
Step 1: Analyze the Statements
"All pencils are pens" means Pencils are entirely within Pens.
"Some pens are erasers" implies part of the Pens category overlaps with Erasers.
Step 2: Venn Diagram
Element | Representation |
Pencils | P (inside Pens) |
Pens | Pe (overlaps with Erasers) |
Erasers | E |
Step 3: Test Conclusions
Some pencils are erasers:
There is no direct overlap between Pencils and Erasers.
Conclusion: False.
All pens are pencils:
"All pencils are pens" does not imply the reverse.
Conclusion: False.
Answer: Both conclusions are false.
Type 2: "Only a Few" Type of Syllogisms
Key Tip:
"Only a few" implies some overlap and some exclusion between two categories.
Example 1
Statement: Only a few cats are dogs.
Some cats are dogs.
All dogs are cats.
- "Only a few cats are dogs" implies partial overlap.
Element | Representation |
Cats | C |
Dogs | D |
Test Conclusions
Some cats are dogs:
True as per the statement.
Conclusion: True.
All dogs are cats:
The statement specifically limits overlap to "a few."
Conclusion: False.
Answer: Conclusion 1 is true, Conclusion 2 is false.
Example 2
Statement: Only a few chairs are tables.
All chairs are tables.
Some chairs are not tables.
- "Only a few chairs are tables" implies some chairs overlap with tables, and some do not.
Element | Representation |
Chairs | C |
Tables | T |
Test Conclusions
All chairs are tables:
The statement explicitly limits overlap to "a few."
Conclusion: False.
Some chairs are not tables:
The statement supports this as only "a few" chairs are tables.
Conclusion: True.
Answer: Conclusion 1 is false, Conclusion 2 is true.
Example 3
Statement: Only a few flowers are plants.
Some flowers are not plants.
Some plants are flowers.
- "Only a few flowers are plants" implies partial overlap between flowers and plants.
Element | Representation |
Flowers | F |
Plants | P |
Test Conclusions
Some flowers are not plants:
True because only "a few" overlap, implying the rest do not.
Conclusion: True.
Some plants are flowers:
True as "a few flowers" are plants, so this overlap exists.
Conclusion: True.
Answer: Both conclusions are true.
Type 3: Possible Conclusions
Key Tip:
"Possible conclusions" test if a conclusion can logically occur based on the given statements. It does not need to always occur.
Example 1
All mangoes are fruits.
Some fruits are yellow.
Some mangoes are yellow.
All yellow things are fruits.
Analyze possibilities based on the given statements.
"All mangoes are fruits" places mangoes fully within the fruits category.
"Some fruits are yellow" shows a partial overlap between fruits and yellow things.
Element | Representation |
Mangoes | M (inside Fruits) |
Fruits | F (partial overlap) |
Yellow | Y |
Test Conclusions
Some mangoes are yellow:
There is no explicit overlap shown between Mangoes (M) and Yellow (Y).
Conclusion: False, but possible.
All yellow things are fruits:
The diagram does not support this as Yellow (Y) could extend beyond Fruits (F).
Conclusion: False.
Answer: Conclusion 1 is possibly true, Conclusion 2 is false.
Example 2
Some pens are pencils.
All pencils are stationary.
Some pens are stationary.
Some stationary items are pens.
Analyze the relationships.
"Some pens are pencils" means partial overlap between Pens and Pencils.
"All pencils are stationary" places Pencils fully within Stationary.
Element | Representation |
Pens | Pn |
Pencils | Pc (inside Stationary) |
Stationary | S |
Test Conclusions
Some pens are stationary:
Pens overlap with Pencils, and all Pencils are stationary.
Conclusion: True.
Some stationary items are pens:
True because some Pens (Pn) overlap with Stationary (S).
Conclusion: True.
Answer: Both conclusions are true.
Example 3
No birds are animals.
All animals are mammals.
Some mammals are birds.
No birds are mammals.
Analyze the relationships.
"No birds are animals" excludes any overlap between Birds and Animals.
"All animals are mammals" places Animals fully within Mammals.
Element | Representation |
Birds | B (no overlap) |
Animals | A (inside Mammals) |
Mammals | M |
Test Conclusions
Some mammals are birds:
No overlap exists between Birds (B) and Mammals (M).
Conclusion: False.
No birds are mammals:
True as Birds (B) and Mammals (M) have no overlap.
Conclusion: True.